The top California directory of fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum practitioners & brands.

Meet our Founder, Sally Hayes

Sally founded Matrikas in 2019 after seeing the need for vetted referrals and brands in the perinatal space.

While contacting other fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum specialists, it quickly became evident that everyone longed for trusted referrals and community building.

What began as a happy hour became a thriving community of trusted brands and practitioners, networking meetups, and educational events open to the public.  

Join our growing network.

Annual Membership


One listing for a brand/company or individual practitioner.

Enrollment for new members occurs quarterly.
Annual membership includes access to our in-person networking gatherings,
special events, panels, and workshops, and directory listing.

We strive to promote inclusion and diversity in all areas of maternal wellness.


Supporting the community from conception through parenting.